This weekend is the last push. I am doing the final edit, check of the design, knitting a pair of slippers and making a skirt (don’t ask!), last minute photographs (including re-doing some of them, again don’t ask), checking the colour and details and proof reading the text (another area of difficulty. You would not believe the debate on how many commas are appropriate we have been having). But there you go! No-one said it would be easy.
But it is close to done and then I can look forward to the party!
I know not everyone can come to the launch of my book – it’s in London and its a Thursday, and some of my friends are on holiday or have commitments. It’s the first anniversary of Grenfell and a number of my friends will be involved in special events in our area. it is a big day for me and I am very grateful so many have decided to come along. If you are still thinking about it, or even if you are not able to attend “in person” I thought I would publish the programme so you can see what is on offer.
Here are the details of the event.
I have finally tied down the programme for the launch, which maybe of interest. I am very grateful to my friends, especially other bloggers Giorgia of One Stitch Forward and Marijana of Sew2Pro, who are getting involved in the festivities.
Making Life more Beautiful 14 June 2018
6pm arrivals
- Pick up or buy your book, with a personal dedication if you would like one
- Get a drink – wine, water, juice, tea or coffee
- Enjoy the garden if the sun is shining
- Food – Iraqui buns (spinach and feta), Samosas (potato and pea) and snacks, home made chocolate cake and lemon buns
- Music
- Meet the bloggers, sewists, knitters, international visitors, and my family
6.30 Speeches
- Gus (Master of Ceremonies)
- Kate – why I wrote the book and thank yous
- Response (to be confirmed)
6.45 Colour consultation
Recently qualified Giorgia of One Stitch Forward will demonstrate a professional colour analysis – model selected on the night

7.15 Workshops
Use your Gele with Remi
How to select and wear a Nigerian Head tie with Oluremi (on the right)
Farhana on Making the most of your eyes
Make up artist Farhana shows you how to use the right colours to enhance your eyes.

Lyla’s session on how to make slime

Eight year old expert Lyla shows you how. This is surprisingly addictive and fun to play with. Lyla will provide materials, colour choices and small pots so you can take your slime home with you.
Paper crafts with Marijana and Nhi
Marijana and Nhi introduce you to Origami (using techniques Marijana first perfected with the Brownies), and show you how to use Indian wood prints to make your own wrapping paper. You will be able to wrap a copy of the book as a present and make an origami card!
- Mingle and Network
- Visit the selfie booth. Photograph yourself with our colour boards and decide which colour direction suits you best.
- Use the hashtags to share your photographs
- #fabrickatedbook #truecolours #makinglifemorebeautiful
- Eat some more food
8.15 Workshops close
Final thank yous
And finally if you cannot come in person I will be sending out books on the same day. I will post anywhere in the world, and apologise in advance at the price of postage. It is free in the UK and I have knocked a similar amount off the international prices, to be as fair as possible. I do hope you will consider getting a copy. It is fairly short, tightly written, very colourful, somewhat original and I think it expresses what many people like about the blog – authenticity, style, the friendship and support of the sewing community, diversity, celebration, experimentation, being happy in our own skins, and a fascination with making beautiful things. It is also useful in helping you determine your own colour palette and shape. Here is the link which is now working.
Kate, I just ordered your beautiful book and cannot wait to read it! The launch celebration will be just wonderful — I wish I didn’t live half a world away, but I’ll be there in spirit for sure. In the meantime, best wishes for problem-free final-hour knitting, sewing, photographing, modeling, and comma-wrangling (whew!) as you continue to amaze and delight.
Those workshops sound great, too bad I’m not in the U.K. at the moment. I’ve always wanted to know how to get one of those head wraps tied so I don’t look like a forties mum in her curlers. It all sounds like a lot of fun, and I wish you all the best for the occasion Kate.
Thanks so much Jay. Maybe I will ask Oluremi to write a blog post explaining how it is done. The Nigerians like their geles big, important and starched, or made in very crisp fabrics. It will be interesting to know more.
Hi Kate,
What a great night you will have for your launch! It looks like so much fun.
I am now able to view the book through the link but I still can’t order it as the ‘proceed to checkout’ button doesn’t want to work for me. I will try again later in case there is a connection issue, but is there a way I can order it directly (i.e. Amazon) without going in through your blog?
Hi Dagmar – I am investigating Amazon, but they take a large cut so I would prefer you to buy it through the blog if at all possible. Alternatively we could arrange a BACS transfer or even an old fashioned cheque. I will direct message you! Kxxx
I will keep trying over the weekend through your blog and if it still does not work, I will advise. Thanks!
Kathy Schrank
Kate, I am visiting London in Sept. Where would I be able to pick up a copy of your wonderful book !
Hi Kathy – Thanks so much! I may get it into one or two shops but I would be happy to meet up while you are here, or post/ deliver to where you are staying. I’ll send you a direct message.
Cheering you on from the sidelines (a very sunny and warm East Anglia). Good luck with all the final editing and checking – your book is almost a reality. The launch party looks great fun. Very exciting!
Thanks Michelle – its been glorious here today and I did manage to get out for some sunshine after a four hour proof-reading marathon!
Carole Jones
Great good luck and best wishes in all your preparations, last-minute sorting, and for the night itself. I wish I could be there, it all looks and sounds wonderful. I love your African headwrap and outfit (Kente???): where do you get your fabric? I have about 7 large lengths, 2 from a crafty/home shop – that was selling lengths as table cloths – and 5 from an Oxfam shop. I get them out and play at ‘possible things to make’ but so far I just cannot decide. I imagine you can buy such fairly easily in London, but here in deepest Devon I even struggle to buy dyes just to be able to wear the colours I like.
But thanks for all your inspiration, and have a great time!
PS ‘Knitting Without Tears’ is winging its way to me.
Carole – thanks so much for your good wishes. I will write up what we discover!! Enjoy Elizabeth.
Looks like a really fun evening with food and fashion and lots of new things to explore besides a brand new book and a chance to meet the author…YOU! I am wishing you the best turnout and lots of laughs and hugs from your followers and new folks dropping in out of curiosity. Rooting for you from the Pacific Northwest!
Jennifer Miller
Oh Kate, this is wonderful! Hearty congratulations to you and all who have assisted. Would have been lovely to attend, but we won’t be in the UK till August. Must have this lovely book, and will be sending you an email very soon. Big hugs.
Beautiful Life | corecouture
[…] book was launched at a grand London location with much festivity and many activities. I wasn’t there in person but if I could I would […]