I know not everyone can because this is a real life event and it is in London. But if you are based here, or not too far away, then any of my readers, followers or commentators would be very welcome indeed. I have organised the event to be very welcoming for anyone who is on their own and is scared they may not know anyone other than me.
I said what I was thinking about, and having listened to your advice I have more or less gone with the plan.
The launch will be held in Central London, on Thursday 14 June, from 6pm until about 8.30pm. My work is offering our “break out” area which is very nice and airy, with an outside area, decent loos and other facilities. The office is wheelchair accessible.

Entry is free with a book which you should be able to buy on the night. A few people think this is cheeky, but I hope you will like the book and find it useful. I will also be (provisionally) offering four workshops on the night
- Learn to make a granny square
- Paper crafts – origami greetings cards and printed wrapping paper
- How to create an African headwrap
- Making slime with Lyla
In each case you will have something to take home (including the slime!).
Also there will be plenty to eat and drink. Nick, in the guise of “Jack and Mrs Spratt” our jokey catering “brand” (Nick labels his sausages…), is making Iraqi stuffed rolls and maybe something else. Mandy is cooking chocolate and lemon cakes. And there will be wine and soft drinks too.
Music will be on tap, organised by my son Gus who has bought some equipment to make it sound good.
We will be having six “selfie” corners with clothes and other items in each main colour palette so that you can try different looks to see what suits you best, and then we can take a snap on your phone so you can compare the different looks.
I am hoping that one of us can do a mini colour consultation on the night. Alternatively I will offer a full consultation to one of the attendees whose name is pulled out of a hat.

Several friends will be acting as hosts to help ensure you have everything you want and will be on hand to introduce you to people that you might like to know, increasing the networking opportunities so you will not feel left out even if you come on your own.
As usual with a book launch there will also be a couple of short speeches, and thank yous, and signing if anyone wants that.
So if you would like to come please follow this link and put your name down.
I do hope you will be able to come and I will do my best to make sure you have a nice evening a chance to meet other people who make life beautiful everyday. Even if you can’t come I will try to make the book special for you. I will have it for sale on this website and on Amazon.
Here is my daughter Charlotte doing the illustrations for the cover.
And no it is not finished yet. I have been busy with work and my SWAP. But now I have a deadline I will have to get it completed. I have the final few photographs planned, then I must finish the layout and the final edit. Then I need some proof readers and a nimble printer. I’ll let you know how I get on!
Have a ball, Kate, it sounds so much fun. I will be on holiday but if I hadn’t been I would have gladly travelled from Nottingham and revelled in the celebrations. Enjoy yourself, what an achievement.
Oh Jenny – that is so nice of you. Maybe we will find a chance to meet up at another point. Sending my love.
The Demented Fairy
Oh I wish…but not on a work night unfortunately! I look forward to seeing everyone’s photos and the tales of all the shenanigans. there must be shenanigans!
Can’t wait for the report! Sounds like a blast! Fun fun fun. I will buy the book on line. I’m still one who likes to hold a real book and turn the pages. Have fun Kate!
Joyce from Sudbury
I can’t be there, but it sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy!
There are many reasons I would love to live in London and being able to pop into your book launch would surely be one of them. Like Joyce, I will buy a copy online and I look forward to reading about the fun in a subsequent post from my perch across the pond. Best of luck with the preparations – it is sure to be a great event! 🙂
I look forward to it! It’ll be a lot of fun.
You’ve done a tremendous amount of preparation for your launch and if that’s anything to go by it’ll surely be a successful evening. London isn’t doable for me but I’ll be here reading and, no doubt, seeing some familiar smiling faces.
Thanks so much Annie!
I’m sad I won’t be able to come but I wish you every success!
Yes. Would love to come. My novel on shoes is almost almost finished so great timing
Sounds utterly delightful! Sadly with distance and so on I will have to acquire my copy a different way! Have fun fun fun!
Agh I’m on the wrong side of the ocean!! I would have loved to come. (pouting now.)
Of course I’d love to come and I’d be there in a flash; except it’s a school night, work stuff, and not being anywhere near the vicinity does prove to be problematic!
Wishing you all you very best. I have followed your book’s development throughout the months and this is definitely not a ‘flash in the pan’ nor your 15 mins of fame.
This could resonate for a long time. What better legacy……..?
Wishing you all the best Kate for the book launch.
Lisa Hughes
Hi Kate
I’d love to come, fingers crossed diary looks ok at the moment. Lisa (Vintage Dahling)
Lisa, it would be just great if you could come – do please register on the EventBrite site! It would be so special to have you there.