I did a short post on best dressed men from the world of music and the arts. This week I will have a look at politicians.
George Osborne
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, known for tucking into burgers, fries and fizzy drinks, has recently appeared in public looking younger, fitter and with better clothes. Here are some of the before pictures.
Since the election he has lost a considerable amount of weight and got a more flattering hair style. His clothes too seem to be a little bit more modern compared to the identikit Tory minister look he was so readily slipping into. I would say he looks at least ten years younger. I like the deep coloured ties – navy or bottle green. Here is someone who is preparing to lead the Conservative party, once David Cameron steps down.
François Hollande
French president Hollande is rather short at 5’7″, with a rounded silhoutte. His trousers often emphasise the narrowness of his legs. The press has poked fun at his ludicrous beach wear (trousers, polo shirt and leather shoes) and poorly fitting suits. He has smartened up his act recently and the new framed glasses are a major improvement on the thick-lensed rimless specs he used to wear. He has grown in his role too, coping impressively with the terrible terrorist atrocities in Paris last year.
Justin Trudeau
The one to top the lot is probably Canada’s new liberal Prime Minister, young Dad, 43 year old Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau. Justin is very committed to equalities and is happy to present himself as a relaxed man of the people. He is over six foot tall, with a strong physique and an engaging manner.
And finally here are two that would not win any best dressed contests, although they both have nice grey hair despite their relative youth (41 and 45). Here are Little and Large the two Mayoral Candidates for London (we vote in May). Zac (Conservative) is tall, very wealthy, handsome but scruffily dressed. Sadiq (Labour) is shorter than me, has modest roots, and dresses in a non-descript way. On the style stakes there isn’t much between the two of them – they like floppy shirts, the tie-less look and dark blue suits. What is this saying to Londoners? The current Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has perfected the I-couldn’t-care-less-about-how-I-look which now seems to unite the candidates. It’s a bit disappointing for London’s fashion industry.

Oh Kate I visited a very pukker place this week and was surrounded by men dressed in such beautiful suits. I was drooling over the cloth. Some of the fabrics they wore would have cost the earth and obviously hand made. The interesting thing was that the beauty of the outfits made you ignore other things such the wearers defects. I have a tendency to want to touch or stroke lovely fabric so I had to keep my hands firmly in my pockets!
Nat @ Made in Home
George Osborne has done really well – as you said, he looks 10 years younger and a lot more energetic, which is probably what is needed from politicians right now. Hollande is not my favourite – I suppose because I am French I cannot really see passed what he is doing my country..
Obviously I am more interested in what JT says and does than what he looks like, but yesterday I saw a photo of him in question period on the news stream I get and thought, “Oooh great hair today, JT.”
george osborne could have his tailor run him up a suit in gold leaf and I still wouldn’t want him as pm, or to hear anything he had to say really.
My 25 year old daughter has just returned from Stockholm. One of the first things she talked about apart from very good haby and fabric shops were how smart the men looked. Beautifully cut business suits and stylish casual wear.
They are just gorgeous – the Swedes- aren’t they. Good to know about the haby shops…
Rounded silhouette – hilarious! Another FAB post – thanks