Beth of Afterdarksewing kindly nominated me for this award. I am glad she likes my blog. I like hers and we comment on each others’ blogs regularly.

I am not sure what I really think about this kind of thing – recognition from fellow bloggers – but it feels nice to be nominated and I hope those that I nominate (see below) will pass it on, but only if they feel like it. I did a quick search of some of the blogs I love and discovered that many of them had been honoured with this “prize” such as Mrs Mole, Sew2Pro, Jay from Pattern Pandemonium, Amarylis log, Diary of a Sewing Fanatic, Pretty Grievances, and Ruth from Core Couture, so I will put forward a few of the newer blogs that I love and hope that you will take a look and consider following them.
The award guidelines are at the bottom of this post.
Three things that inspire me
History of fashion

Colour in nature
Some bloggers I really enjoy reading (not including who have already had this award) are – in alphabetical order:
Annieloveslinen is a nice blog. Anne is a highly competent seamstress, and is always very generous with her advice and support, and something of a mentor to me. She has given me good advice on sewing, and how to use the darn blogging softwear. She lives in Shropshire.
Cut it out and stitch it up is Helen’s lovely blog. Helen is a competent pattern cutter, a keen cyclist and bravely gives a wide range of sewing projects a go.
Morepleasethankyou is a blog I always love to read. Alli is a very skilled craftswoman and creates the most amazing patchwork. She is very skilled, highly imaginative and very generous. I recently asked about her sewing machine and she sent me a very detailed response. Her kids are very cute too.
Make and Wear is Irish Chris’s inspirational blog. I came across her blog as she won one of Pattern Review’s competition using several second hand shirts. She is also a fun knitter who makes me think it is possible to make clothes with yarn and kneedles.
Dustin writes beautifully about vintage patterns, giving lots of intesting historic photographs. He is generous and has helped me with dating an old pattern. Try Make Mine Vogue.
A new blog for me is Gail’s Myfabrication. I like Gail’s style – she adventurously makes a dress a month in a range of challenging styles and fabrics. I have planned to meet up with her next month so will give you some feedback (she is based in Sydney)
My Vintage Inspiration is a super, well written and researched blog in which Stephanie from Ottawa describes her sewing and knitting projects, but she also writes about books, travel, food. And love. She works as an economist, skates to work, runs marathons, enjoys classical music, speaks Italian and French and is an all round sophisticate.
Pattern Vault is one of the most professional and learned sewing blogs out there. Sarah, another Canadian, is a proper researcher (she calls herself a recovering academic) who puts inordinate work into her scholarly but fascinating posts about individual designers, fashion houses, pattern companies or other themes. There are some free designer patterns on her blog too. And check out her wedding photographs.
Sewniptuck‘s Lesley is my kind of girl. Fascinated by fit and pattern cutting, thoughtful, kind and funny. I like her style – both in terms of clothes and the way she writes. She also has nice big, colourful photographs, which does it for me. She wears her advanced skills lightly. I hope to meet Lesley too (she lives in Sydney but is coming to London later this year).
Symondezyn‘s Amanda is another funny girl. She works as a graphic designer and makes nice clothes. She always has a slightly off beat take on things and she makes me laugh. Highly recommended.
Award Guidelines:
- Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
- Display the award logo in a blog entry.
- List the award guidelines so your nominees will know what to do.
- State 7 hidden facts about yourself OR 3 things that inspire you.
- Nominate 10 other blogger friends for the award.
How lovely, congratulations Kate! Very well deserved. X
Thank you Kate, I return your compliment, I am inspired by you, all your posts are interesting and well written. I actually live in Shropshire but have a mission to find, and buy, from fabric shops wherever I go.
There are some new to me blogs here that I’ll be visiting. Great stuff.
Ooops. Now corrected. I knew it was north of here….
K, This is amazing. Thanks for introducing me to some new-to-me blogs. Just home from Italy last night and I need a good reading list to keep my spirits up. You have had me addicted to Pattern Vault for a while so I look forward to some new additions. PS You are too kind to me.
Welcome back. I look forward to hearing about what you learnt and saw on your travels.
Very nice Kate! I love all these new (to me) bloggers you introduce to your readers. I’m excited to dig in.
Aw, thanks for mentioning me! I’m constantly telling my husband about things you write on your blog — just the other day, I was telling him about your taupe suit post. 😀
Now to toddle off and explore those new-to-me blogs…
Oh my goodness — I didn’t even realize that you’d won SWAP 2015 until I saw it on Make & Wear’s post. Congratulations!!!
Thank you for including me Kate:) I follow a couple of the other blogs mentioned, and have found some new blogs to read also! I should say that I didn’t win the Pattern review contest though- I was eliminated at the last cut-off! I love reading your blog as it is so varied with sewing, textiles and general style advise.
Many thanks for the mention!
I’ve been away with work for the week and not looked at WordPress.
I find your posts very inspiring and with such a range of content.
This week I was able to talk knowledgeably about Kondo after someone mentioned they were reading the book – all thanks to you!