When Esme applied for a passport recently, it bizarrely required the date of her parents’ wedding. John would have known. But she had to ask me. And I couldn’t remember! I looked at some old photos to jog my memory. John is in Top Man and I am wearing a pink crepe wool suit I made from a Vogue 1940s inspired pattern. It had a peplum and shoulder pads and I felt wonderful. It clashed with the flock wallpaper and beige chrysanthemums provided by Register office, but I didn’t care.

Thinking laterally I uploaded the glossy Kodak prints on Facebook, and asked old friends who were there, if they could remember the date. Between us we got the year (1985) and the quarter (January to March), and guessed March, which was enough for the passport.

Then, just for fun, I tested myself on the date of my second wedding, to Nick. I knew it took place after my father had died in 2000, as he wasn’t there. I also knew the month. So I Googled it. Well I Googled the event that took place that day and found it immediately – 15 June 2002.
When Nick and I set the date I invited my friend Shirley, who laughed. She explained that the second phase of the World Cup qualifying matches would be held that day. “Don’t worry,” she said. “England have very little chance of getting through!” Although I had a vague recollection of watching the World Cup back in 1966, and the subsequent “England Winners” postage stamp, Nick and I were oblivious of the impending sporting bonanza.
We booked the local register office and sent out invitations. The Wallis sale supplied my outfit, and I made a headdress with pink tulle stitched to a cheap metal “tiara”. Nick bought six boxes of pink peonies from Covent Garden, and ten of Champagne from Sainsbury’s. Our Marks & Spencer cake was customised with pink ribbon and roses.
We got the house tidy on the Friday, stuffing washing baskets into the kids’ bedrooms and preparing most of the food. On Saturday morning I got my hair done while Nick made the salads and chilled the drinks. I asked my Chairman (a Catholic priest) if he would say a few words in the garden.
Then the whole family drove to Lewisham Register office for the last appointment before lunch. We arrived in plenty of time, to be greeted by the chief registrar. Discreetly she enquired if we would mind bringing forward our ceremony to11am rather than 11.30. She explained that the previous couple had postponed – due to the World Cup match. And she and her team would like to get off early, so they could watch it too.

As most of us were there, we agreed. With a stand-in witness (later substituted when the official witness arrived) we kicked off. Done by 11.30, we took a few photos and returned to the house. Nick and I started offering Champagne, and chatting to our guests, when we realised that the only people in the garden were us, our elderly friends and relatives and a couple of little girls. Where was everyone? Then Father Peter arrived and I asked him when he would be saying a prayer for us. His face lit up:
“What about half time?”
I ran upstairs to George’s bedroom, where I had shoved lots of junk and the television. And there, sheepishly grinning, squashed onto the single bed, or sitting on the floor were about 20 men, all the boys and a few Mums too.

Eventually it was half time and everyone came down for a beer, ecstatic that England had scored three goals. The sun was shining brightly and people got started on the food.
We took our chance and got everyone to gather. Father Peter kindly spoke to us all, basing his talk on 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13. Steve and Margaret, followed by Nick, made short speeches. Our oldest and youngest children, Ben and Gus (12 at the time), spoke about our family. Tears were streaming down my face, and we were buoyed up by everyone’s kindness and support.
I guess the speeches must have gone on for half an hour or more when Greg, a great friend and wonderful tenor, started to sing Amazing Grace for us. As his voice soared a huge cheer went up across all the homes in the neighbourhood. For a moment I was confused. Then we realised – full time. England has done it. A Three-Nil win against Denmark. In a way, I owe Emile Heskey my thanks for putting the game to bed by half time.
Nick and Kate 15 June 2002
Nick and I became a family with five children, but all of them were shared. We didn’t have any together. We both found step-parenting a challenge, but it all worked out well in the end.
It’s always interesting what makes events memorable and at least you have the date of both weddings now on public record! It’s good you have such a positive approach to your first marriage. So many of my friends hold bitterness about their first marriage which is painful for them and their children.
I think her first husband passed away.
What an uplifting post, how young everyone looks at your first wedding. I can totally relate to not remembering significant dates.
A beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your life with us Kate. x
I loved this post as I like to see inside people’s lives. Your second wedding sounds like so much fun and you made a beautiful bride (both times). I also found being a step mother a challenge but am happy that we came out the other side as friends.
What lovely memories to share and you look so happy at both your weddings!
Theresa in Tucson
Such a lovely story. My spouse always remembers the dates, me not so much. We had two weddings, the Rathouse wedding early in the week attended by just us, the two witnesses and the officiant. The second wedding was that Saturday in the base chapel attending by friends with reception following at the Officer’s Club. Your tale brings back very fond memories.
Theresa in Tucson
Lisa G
Lovely story! Thanks for sharing!
The Demented Fairy
Lovely- accounts, photos both. Thanks for sharing
What happy stories, all brought to your mind by those nosey passport people. Beautiful bride at both weddings.
Schedule conflicts with sporting events…..for several years I set up fall vacations at the same time as the World Series – my husband, a great baseball fan, never complained but we did do a lot of listening to games on the car radio. Then there was the required by the midwife Lamaze class the same night as the Super Bowl….only a couple of fathers were in attendance for that. Clearly I’m a slow learner.
Jen miller
Lovely bride, twice! Sweet post …. the photo of guests huddled in the bed watching sports is priceless. Have me a big early morning smile.
So nice to read your wedding day memories. Thanks for sharing ?.
I love hearing about people’s lives. So interesting. I had a friend get married in the registry office and it was such a beautiful room and decorated with flowers, I envisaged a stark, grey government office so it was a real surprise. You look so happy in both your weddings.
Ellen Miller
Hi! This is Ellen from Creating Couture Embellishment. I will be in London Feb 13-19, with my husband, and I was wondering if you had any free time to meet up? I will be at Ray Stitch: https://raystitch.co.uk/sewing-classes-london/creating-couture-embellishment-with-ellen-miller on Feb. 14. but otherwise we have no specific plans. You can email me : couture.ellen@comcast.net.
Hello Ellen. Yes we would love to meet! I will DM you.
Abbey s
Funny and touching at the same time. :j abbey