I have taken a little break recently, but that has given me plenty of time to firm up my plans for Gus’s SWAP. This involves a wardrobe of 11 items that I have to complete by the end of April this year.
I announced my original garment plan in a previous post.
I have since fine tuned it. The colours have come out a wrong. They just all look the same – dirty, brownish/greyish shades. Really they are varied and rather subtle.You will see them again when I make the outfits up.
Essentially we have white, grey, grey-blue, yellowy beige and dark green. The bomber jacket will be made with painted silk. I have illustrated this with the piece I am creating for Brenda but I intend to get Gus to paint his own fabric. The bomber jacket will be the stand out piece in this collection. Menswear is a bit more boring than womenswear – most men just wear blue, black, grey and white. This introduces a little bit of colour but is big on neutrals. For the bomber jacket I want to use all the colours in the collection so that the jacket goes with all the bottoms – funnily enough Brenda’s colours are quite similar, but I think we will have yellow rather than red and pink.
The shirts are white at the moment but I haven’t bought the fabric so we can go a little off piste with the shirts in due course. Although I have put down the Make My Pattern shirt I haven’t toiled it, and may need another brand. I am actually starting to sweat a little in case those damn traps trip me up again. If I struggle too much I will revert to T or sweat shirts, or even do more knitting. Knitting as opposed to fitting? I wonder.
Anyway this is the plan. I will leave Gus to react to it.
- Long sleeved Shirt
- Short sleeved Shirt (adapt shirt pattern by shortening the sleeves)
- High waisted jeans
- Corduroys
- Smart shorts (adapt trouser pattern by shortening the legs)
- Work trousers
- Summer Tailored jacket
- Winter Tailored jacket
- Bomber jacket
- Alpaca “Lore” jumper (already completed)
- Polo neck jumper
Eleven garments, seven patterns. The SWAP rules allow 8 patterns so I can use one more if my plans change.
The fabrics seem to photograph better if we put them all together – denim from stash (selvedge denim and shirt fabrics not purchased yet. Silk for bomber will be created at the end).

That’s it for now.
I have completed one sweater, with one pair of brown corduroy pants and the green polo neck in the works. I hope to have at least one of these done by next week.
Fabrics look great! Exciting!
I like the plans. My husband is following this with interest now too! Think he’s hoping it will inspire me to sew for him!
It is such a different experience so far Louise. The fabric choices are pretty limited but it can force creativity. I hope you have a go. If the free patterns work out what have you got to lose?
Wow, the plan is really coming together, Kate. Gus’s SWAP probably feels quite different because of the subdued colour palette compared to what you would have made for yourself? But this post demonstrates that the colours will all work in together and complement Gus’s skin tones. I’ll be interested to learn of his reaction to it, although by now there should be no surprises for him. I like that you have a back-up plan if you run into difficulties. Good luck!
Thanks so much Kerry. I do find the colour choices a bit difficult to be honest. I am pushing it a bit (he has never worn brown, and while he has accepted the yellowish linen he asked for this to be used for the shorts (ie only informal wear). I am fascinated to see what he does with the silk painting. And, compared to other men in my life, Gus is the least conservative and most open to giving things a go.
Looks great, Kate! I find I am attracted to funky, bright things but at the end of the day nothing for me beats classic items that are beautifully made and in good fabrics. I think you and Gus will both be pleased by the results here, which will be harmonious and versatile.
Brenda Marks
Good point, Stephanie – I always go back to the basics made in good fabrics. It’s fun to have the colorful pieces to add some variety.
This is exciting the colours work really well together and the whole collection hangs nicely. You’ve made a pretty good start, I’m so impressed, your enthusiasm is infectious and your energy formidable.
I like the look of this plan a lot. Onward and upward.
lovely muted colors that go together AND with Gus. I’m fascinated with the bomber jacket, I wonder if it could be reversible? We have a mystery very heavy sheepskin lined leather bomber jacket that seems to have been left here over the holidays but no one is stepping forward to claim it. It weighs a ton! I’m giving it closet space for a little while to see if an owner surfaces…..since its in the teens here and snowing you’d think someone would WANT their jacket?
Hmm. Reversible? Well I guess it could be. I had already planned it to be hand painted and quilted so I don’t think I want to make it even more challenging! And a sheepskin bomber sounds terrific! I have a gorgeous shearling coat myself that I got in a charity shop. It was £40 which is expensive for a charity shop buy, but I think it would be a couple of hundred quid new. I hope the owner reclaims it Ceci!
Lynn Mally
What a woman! This looks amazing. I love menswear, so I am really looking forward to the results.
Love Menswear to look at, wear or make Lynn?
Vancouver Barbara
The silk bomber jacket will be fabulous. What are you going to line it with?
Not sure Barbara – probably silk. What do you think?
Kate, I have to tell you, the fabric of that Vogue 8988 men’s suit is telling me “pj’s” not “take me seriously suit” lol. It is amazing how difficult it can be to separate the fabric on a make and focus only on the lines. I am sure that your son love the grey herringbone wool. Such a nice fabric. Can’t wait to see the results.
I hope everyone is well going into the new year
I think they used searsucker for the Vogue suit. Funnily enough my husband saw the picture and said he thought it was very nice! It’s not my cup of tea. But I am only using it for a jacket and I hope mine will look a bit crisper. But I am in experimental/learning mode here…. At the moment I am sticking to the trousers and the knitting as they are slightly less challenging than a jacket.
You are doing really well Kate, this is going to be a fine wardrobe for Gus. I just made that shirt for Mark for Christmas and it is brilliant.
Sue, thanks, and that is very reassuring. I am finding the method for making the pants quite challenging and rather different from how I would make women’s trousers. It’s good to know the shirt works. I am scared on tackling Gus’s shape. Which version of the shirt did you make up for Mark please?
Looking good! you are so organized, and kudos for tackling all those complicated garments with potential fitting issues. Can’t wait to see it finished!
Amazing plans! I love the fabrics! I’m very interested to see the Make my pattern shirt made up!
Brenda Marks
After tweaking the pattern choices, I would wear all of this SWAP. : )
Right now I’m in love with the turtleneck/polo yarn color. Gus is so lucky!
Funnily enough Brenda Stephanie said much the same thing! I bought enough of the brown corduroy fabric to make myself some trousers, and I think I bought too much yarn for the sweater. And I already have the Lorelle. And I am planning a silk bomber. So we will be able to do his and hers…. (if I get the time). I meant to finish your fabric this weekend but ran out of puff. I hope to finish it next weekend.
Kate, if you are using the mmp slimline slacks, Joost de Cock put out a 10 or 12 video series to show how he makes his own from measuring to ordering to cutting and sewing (including the welt pockets). This may be helpful. I haven’t seen it inawhile, but I am sure it can be found on youtube still.
Yes – thanks Karen. They are helpful!