I finally met a real, live sewing blogger – Marianna. I discovered her blog when I was searching for information about Pattern Magic. Marianna has written a lot about her experiments with this modern Japanese and highly interesting approach to pattern cutting. She told me that this is how most people come to her site. She tried lots of the PM “patterns” herself and also ran a challenge which many participants. I love that Marianna and many of the participants were somewhat doubtful about the patterns. That was my experience too.
So who is the person behind the blog that goes “from flops to couture”? A petit, pretty, smiley, chic, softly (slightly accented) spoken ball of enthusiasm, creativity and energy. Lovely arms and a runners’ body. Apart from the PM challenge she organised one that required participants to create Great British Sewing Bee items in a week; and another – the Vivienne Westwood Challenge. She writes beautifully and I really love what she makes and wears. Here she is just as she ordered the most interesting things on the menu – tapioca caviar, broad bean houmous and a duck egg – at the wonderful Grainstore restaurant in Kings Cross.

We had so much to discuss. She showed me what she had bought at Simply Fabrics and we discussed how to apply a shimmering metallic finish. We talked about family, jobs, ambition, how we learned to sew, where we live, holiday plans and our families. I am passionate about the regeneration of London so we also had a look around the Kings Cross redevelopment area where some young people were making a 3D map from the earth dug up during the building work. When it is sunny swarms of little kids run through those fountains, squealing and laughing. When we met it was too chilly for us to sit around. So we popped into the college – London’s Central School of Art and St Martin’s College merged and moved into Kings Cross a few years ago. I love to see Japanese students in enormous coats and shoes, men in skirts and teachers who wear more than their fair share of lipstick.

Marianna and I visited the degree shows and had a quick look at the textiles, and fashion design entries. The textiles included printed, woven and knitted fabrics – lots of art work, photographs and videos too. We weren’t allowed to photograph the students’ work. But there was a seaside nurse on show, so Marianna gamely posed again. There are so many short courses being run over the summer at Central St Martins – we picked up brochures and thought about going to learn something new together.

Love this post and Pattern Magic patterns. I have the books but not the nerve to try one. Finished reading about Marianna here, went to her blog and guess who she is blogging about ? Yes the SWAP 2015 winner Kate.
You are dynamic!
You are very kind. I would so like to meet you IRL Cheryl. Let me know if your travels ever bring you this way.
I love Marianna’s blog. She writes so well and has a lovely “voice.” How wonderful that you could take a course together! I was really taken by your description of “teachers who wear more than their fair share of lipstick”!
Congrats you really do deserve Swap 2015. But I do have a little bone to pick with you regards downsizing our goods and chattels. At this very moment I am surrounded by fabric and patterns some of which I have had for years. In my head is a voice saying ‘if Kate can do this so can you’ . I have three piles of things 1. I must keep 2. Get rid of 3. Not sure. But I keep on moving more and more items from the maybe to must keep. Oh dear Kate what have you started.
So sorry to have caused you stress. I didn’t want that to be the case. This weekend I am committed to tackling my pattern, which I know is going to be the hardest part of my Kondo clear up….
Sounds like a lovely day out. The only time I’ve ever been to London was to take a week long millinery course in Central St.Martins and I absolutely loved it. It was years ago, so maybe it’s time to start saving for the next trip!
What did you make?
I made at least three hats that I can remember – a steam blocked felt trilby, a smaller felt headpiece and a wide brimmed sinamay hat. We packed alot into a week!
It’s great to be featured (thanks) after our meeting, where time just flew by and I never even got round to asking about wrap dresses nor SWAP. Congratulations on your win! Now you can be doubly happy when picking out the items for wearing in the mornings.
PS The young people’s Value Map explanation went completely over my head; it looked like glorified mud pies to me!
Congratulations! A well earned one, I’m so pleased that you won, all your hard work paid off, well done.
Thanks so much Annie. To be honest there were many good entries and I only just won, so I hope you and all the other great sewing bloggers I know think seriously about entering next year. Its great to be able to encourage each other through the internet ether.
I want to thank you for this post — I’ve just gone to Amazon and ordered Pattern Magic and Pattern Magic for Stretch Fabrics. It’s rare for me to make such a spontaneous move, but those books look fabulous. And congrats on your SWAP win.
Thank you Felicia. Those books are inspirational, but also irritating. Let me know how you get on!
Joyce Latham
What! How can I be so out of the loop! Oh my goodness..you won, isn’t that fabulous! Bravo, I’m so proud of ya, way to go kate!!!